Tuesday 26 January 2010

Todd and the Frat Boy

I was living in a frat house with my (real-life) co-worker and we were interviewing some potential new roommates.

I was showing some frat douche around our massive, yet massively trashed house when frat douche and I came upon Todd sitting in a recliner, watching a televised Pop Warner football game while wearing a karate outfit.

"Hey Todd, this dude's thinking about moving in here," I told him.
"Cool," Todd said without looking up from the television. "I'll be honest, I think you're a pretty awesome dude, but first let me show you some of my moves."

Todd then leaped from his recliner and into a fierce karate-attack stance. He then proceeded to show us the kicks, punches and blocks the he claimed made him a countywide karate icon.


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