Tuesday 9 February 2010

Nikki Sixx, BMX and a Wal Mart cashier

I was living with Nikki Sixx somewhere in Los Angeles and our only means of transportation were a couple of totally sweet and magged-out BMX bikes.

We were cruising the Strip... Nikki had a girl in a Wal Mart uniform on his handlebars and I had two brown bagged 40s in my shirt pockets.

"We should get some druuuuuuuuuuugs," Nikki said to me.

"Drugs," I said, "Nah, man we got all this beer."

"Yea, you're right. Now get the fuck off my handlebars," Nikki said as he slammed on the brakes, throwing the Wal Mart girl face first on to the pavement.

The sun had just begun to set.


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